This website preserves materials relating to the former Eccles Grammar School (Eccles, Lancashire). They are freely available for all who want to see them. The school, which was located on Park Road, Monton, served thousands of students between 1911 and 1977. If you have access to any materials appropriate for inclusion, especially ones not known on the present list, and that you are willing to share, please contact me at Special thanks to Eleanor (Chapman) Barker (1951-58) who has been greatly helpful in kick-starting this Archive as well as providing scanned photos and providing many names. Many thanks, too, to John Trace who maintained a school website for many years, keeping the school "alive", and that has been the source of some materials shown here. Harry King.
The School also has a Facebook page, followed by more than 700 members. On that site, which requires that you join Facebook, members can keep in touch with other former schoolmates and swap memories with them. The site is at: EGS Facebook Page
Materials newly added are highlighted in pale pink.
Praefectus Ecclesia Grammaticum Scholae awarded to the following for appreciated encouragement, providing materials for inclusion, and making general improvements on the site: Eleanor (Chapman) Barker, Gill (Rimmer) Buckley, Alan Bromley, John Russell, Sue (Evans) Green, Lynn (Garner) Wilkinson, John Trace, Christine (Gill) Jermey, Jim Norbury, Mo Prendergast, James Ashcroft, Niven Howlett, John Barlow, Sue (Gunn) Barlow, Chris Orr, Moira (Howarth) Orr, Malcolm Howarth, Gwen Riley, Sally (Harwood) Probert, William "Pip" Buckley, Steve Hargreaves, Norman Jackson, John Britton, Maureen Daniels, Olga (Lewyckyj) Dodd, Derek Briggs, David Cox, Chris Cunliffe, Barrie Purslow, Irene Francis, Alan Whittaker, Geoff McCormick, Martin Baggoley, Elizabeth (Allen) Beveridge, Richard Mortimer, Christine (Sunsburg) Fairclough, Christopher Darby, John Fraser, Alison Andreasson, Darrell Jackson, Tony Elwood, Jeff Wilson, Kay (Smith) Murray, Rodger Bagnall, Pat Marsh, Ian Bloomer, Doug Atkinson, John Cunningham, George Dyson, Garth Hope, Roger Caldwell, David Brown, Miriam (Jones) Galway, Angela Shepherd, Andy Lewis, Audrey (Shawcross) Davies [Honorary Head Girl], Ken Savage, John Bailey, Liz (Hinchcliffe) Oliver, Andy Goss, Steve Maclean, Garry Evans, Andrew Bentley, Garry Brogan, Christine Grieves, Kev Quine, Joy (Wright) Kubler, Chris Cutch, Rodney Elms, Audrey (Barlow) Barker, Dave Douglas, Christine (Hayden) Jessop, Joyce (Sheppard) Draycott, Stephen Smith, Nick Higham [Honorary Head Boy], Linda (Collier) Dalzell, Margaret (Muskett) Moxon, Davina (Pitts) Woods, Brian Grindley, Jeremy Thomason, Howard Thornley, Stephen Webb, Trevor Lunness, Geoff Brunt, John Lee, John Shepherd, David Lee, Joan (Spencer) Woodward, Graham Oldfield, Paul Tompkins, Graham Gilbert, Wally Webb, Canon Paul Robinson, Andrew Brooks, Peter Hosie, Glynis Baguley, Stephen Beardsall, Adam Britton, David Crossley, Jean (Derbyshire) Thompson, Helen (Perkins) Wilson, Jean (Matthews) Jackson, John Williams, Les Daniels, Jane Asady, Peter Johnson, Kay Murray, Dave Randall, Martin Crossley, Brian Richbell, Andrew Dean, and Carol Lee.
RECENT CHANGES 15 Mar 2025: Carol Lee kindly sent three class photos from 1934, 1935, and 1936, when her grandfather, Ben Wild, was at our school. As usual, these new additions to our Archive are highlighted with a pink caption. Many thanks for preserving them and sending them, Carol.
RECENT CHANGES 15 Mar 2025: Peter Jones contacted me with a breathtaking bit of information. His dad attended EGS in 1917/1918 and had some materials from then. Well, it turns out this wasn't "our" school, but the Eccles Grammar School that had opened in 1873 -- 38 years before our own (and continued in existence to 1939). With Peter's help and kind donation of the materials he had, I found all about "Ye Olde Eccles Grammar Schoole". The fascinating story is in the "Brief Histories and Stories ..." section. We are greatly indebted to Peter.
RECENT CHANGES 16 Mar 2025: Andy Brooks, who consistently remembers people and facts about the school from before my time, asked the question: what do we all remember about the layout of the rooms, etc, inside the school building ? Read what we speculated. correct us, add details that have escaped our own memory. See the "Remembering the Building Layout" article in the "Brief Histories and Stories ..." section.
RECENT CHANGES 17 Mar 2025: Can anyone solve The Mysterious Case of the Girls' Changing Room ?? A structure became attached to the building in the late 1960's that has many of us old-timers baffled. Help, please !! The Case File is explained in the "Brief History and Stories ..." section.
RECENT CHANGES 20 Mar 2025: The Mysterious Case of the Girls' Changing Room took a new twist based on an old aerial photo that came to light. Our first thoughts were a bit confused. I think the new account gives us the answer, though one small question remains for some bright spark who was around the school in its last years. Read the revised account of "The Case ...".
RECENT CHANGES 21 Mar 2025: It is with the greatest sadness that I have to report finding out that our most distinguished former pupil, Professor Nick Higham ("Stories of Former Pupils ..." section), has died in Eccles at the age of 62. He lived close to the school throughout his truly stellar career. Perfectly without airs and graces, he spoke warmly and generously about his memories of the school.
RECENT CHANGES 22 Mar 2025: Three new photos of school trips to France have been added to the "Photographs ... after 1950" section. Thanks to Joyce (Sheppard) Draycott who supplied them (and stars in all three photos!).
Click for list of ALL the changes (and of people who kindly contributed) made over time.
Here is a chance to show off your literary talents -- perhaps inspired by the English classes of Mrs. Sainter, Miss Baker, Wiggy Gower, Fingers Ellis, or others. Can you recount a short story (... up to, say, two pages) about your memories of the school ? You might write about a memorable incident, or have more general memories. The pieces by Christine and Margaret serve as nice examples. C'mon, show us what you learned !
We old-timers got confused. This revised account seems to set the story straight, though one little puzzle remains if someone can answer it.
A look at the origin (1872 !) and operation of our predecessor EGS. The buildings which housed it can still be seen in the centre of Eccles, and many of us must have walked by them on countless occasions. We see what the pupils studied, how much they paid, and how the school must have been a bit of a rival to "our" EGS (that opened in 1911).
What do you remember about how the school building looked on the inside ? Do you have memories of particular rooms ? We've stretched our memory, but are sure there are people able to remember much better than we could.
What do we mean by Essians and Essayans ? Here is what you may have never realised.
A rudimentary attempt has been made to recount the history of our School. Those of us who knew the School at first hand are becoming less in number, and our memories are becoming more faded. Have we any talented researchers/writers who are ready to tackle that interesting task ? In the meantime, the account given here will have to suffice.
Jacqueline Gain came to our School for the 1946 School Year as French Assistant. She wrote to her parents in France describing the school. Her son, Eric Sheldon, kindly sent me a copy of this letter.
Christine (Sunsburg) Fairclough wrote a nice little piece, remembering some incidents from her time at the school (1961 to 1968). A good, literary eye, I can see.
Christine (Sunsburg) Fairclough puts pen to paper, again, for us.
Margaret (Muskett) Moxon recalls the funny circumstance that led to a famous pop music star opening the 1965 School Christmas Fair.
Harry King recounts an act of great kindness by one of our teachers that greatly affected the opportunities that came to him.
The creator of Coronation Street, Tony Warren (... his real name was Tony Simpson) was a pupil at EGS, about 1947-1951. Our headmistress, Miss Baker, inspired his writing career and kept in touch with him when he became famous. Joyce (Sheppard) Draycott was in class that day when the announcement of the birth of the great soap opera tickled Miss Baker's pride.
Margaret (Muskett) Moxon tells a moving story about losing a school friend and having a rather unusual memento as a result of the event.
Trevor Lunness digs deep in his memory to remember incidents that have stuck in his mind, always managing to keep a forgiving tone!
Eight "long roll" photos are made available below. The originals, some in heavily-damaged condition, were between about 35" and 42" in length. Here, each roll photo is presented in 4 pieces, the pieces overlapping so that no-one gets "lost". The most recent update of names on each photo is shown in the table. Each "quarter" photo is between about 9.3" wide (the 1949 photos) and about 10.8" wide (the later photos). The resolution is always 300 dpi to ensure good quality, so file sizes are of the order of 2 or 3 megabytes. The photo files are stored on Google Drive. Here's how we got them:
The very rare 1938 photo appears thanks to Sue Green, daughter of the teacher, Mr Bill Evans. (See a little more about Mr. Evans in the January 2017 changes via the "changes" link above.). The latest addition to the Archive, the 1946 photo, preserved by Ena Molyneux and retrieved by Graham Lowcock, came in well deteriorated condition, partly because of irreparable water damage. I have done what I can to make it fairly presentable. Audrey (Shawcross) Davies, on the photo herself, has kindly identified every one of the teachers. The 1949 originals were scanned many years ago, and had names added, by Gordon Dixon (1947-53). These originals have been slightly re-arranged. Photos from 1952 were from an original scanned by Eleanor Barker, and I renovated them. The 1955 photo was provided by John Russell, who has provided many names. The 1958 photo is my own. For the 1961 photo, James Ashworth kindly loaned his original to Sue Green, and Sue did her usual excellent job of scanning. Twenty years ago I had a database of names of people on this photo, and I have added them to the photo itself. The 1964 photo comes courtesy of Eleanor Barker. who twisted the arm of Gwen Riley to borrow the photo, then scanned it to perfection. Thanks Eleanor and Gwen (... hope the arm isn't sore, Gwen ... .) I added many names to the photo, collected over the years from many people. The 1970 photo, from Lynne (Garner) Wilkinson, has names of a number of the pupils and teachers on it. All photo versions have names and numbers, the numbers helping you to pin names to faces, of course. If anyone has other photos, or can provide names, please make them available. Accompanying the link to each photo is the date that it was last updated.
Many kind people are trying to add names to the photographs. To do so requires you to be able to report which NUMBER corresponds to the person you're naming. That isn't always easy, especially for old eyes. I have made a short "guide" that will train you, and gives you a couple of little exercises. Try it -- it's fun. GO TO THE MINI GUIDE
YEAR | Section | Section | Section | Section |
1938 | Left
26 Jan 2017 |
26 Jan 2017 |
26 Jan 2017 |
26 Jan 2017 |
1946 w Names, Numbers | Left
22 June 2020 |
2 June 2020 |
3 Oct 2019 |
2 June 2020 |
1949 w Names, Numbers | Left
4 Apr 2019 |
16 Nov 2022 |
2 June 2020 |
9 Oct 2017 |
1952 Plain | Left
22 Jan 2017 |
22 Jan 2017 |
22 Jan 2017 |
22 Jan 2017 |
1952 w Names, Numbers | Left
11 Apr 2021 |
11 Apr 2021 |
5 Apr 2019 |
5 Apr 2019 |
1955 Plain | Left
12 Jan 2017 |
12 Jan 2017 |
12 Jan 2017 |
12 Jan 2017 |
1955 w Names, Numbers | Left
28 Nov 2019 |
27 Jul 2017 |
27 Jul 2017 |
27 Jan 2020 |
1958 Plain | Left
22 Jan 2017 |
22 Jan 2017 |
22 Jan 2017 |
22 Jan 2017 |
1958 w Names, Numbers | Left
28 Nov 2019 |
26 June 2020 |
7 Jun 2022 |
8 Aug 2019 |
1961 w Names, Numbers | Left
13 Jul 2021 |
3 April 2021 |
3 April 2021 |
24 Dec 2021 |
1964 w Names, Numbers | Left
9 Jan 2022 |
9 May 2023 |
11 May 2023 |
9 Jan 2022 |
1970 w Names, Numbers | Left
28 Jan 2024 |
22 Jan 2025 |
11 Feb 2024 |
11 Feb 2024 |
Can anyone come up with long-roll photos other than those shown here ?? DOES A 1968 PHOTO EXIST ?
Photos of the School's Interior
Photos of the School's Exterior
1933, Aerial View of School and its Grounds
Can other photos of the inside and outside of the building be located ??
Photos of Staff and Students pre-1950
Can other photos of teachers and pupils from these early years be found ??
Photos of Staff and Students after-1950
Can other photos be located ??
School Performances from an unknown 1930's date.
A School Performance from 16 January, 1931
A School Performance from 4 March, 1932
A School Performance from 23/24 February, 1934
1963 School Play "She Stoops to Conquer"
1965 School Play "When We Are Married"
Group Photo of Women attending the reunion
Group Photo of Men attending reunion
Four friends from the 60's/70's.
Group Photo of 20 of the Attendees
A Very Historical Group, "60 Years On" they titled the photo.
Attendees at the Reunion ("On the Red Carpet" by John Britton)
The School Hymn, a new rendition !
My generation -- never too old to rock
Music Quiz organized by Pete Williams
"Three blokes" play "Johny B. Goode" (with a lot of crowd noise accompaniment!).
Transcript of the (mock) Awards Ceremony
"Intelligence" Quiz Given to Attendees
The sturdy hikers brace themselves for the adventure,
Can anyone come up with School Magazines other than those we have here? The series seemed to start in 1953. We are missing 1964, and 1966. Anyone out there have them ??
1951 (30 Nov, Princess Cinema)
1952 (21 Nov, Ellesmere Cinema)
1953 (13 Nov, Ellesmere Cinema)
1954 (19 Nov, Ellesmere Cinema)
1955 (25 Nov, Ellesmere Cinema)
1956 (23 Nov, Ellesmere Cinema)
1957 (6 Dec, Ellesmere Cinema)
1958 (21 Nov, Ellesmere Cinema)
1959 (20 Nov, The Free Trade Hall)
1960 (24 Nov, Free Trade Hall)
1961 (17 Nov, Free Trade Hall)
1962 (23 Nov, Free Trade Hall)
1963 (22 Nov, Free Trade Hall)
1964 (20 Nov, Free Trade Hall)
1965 (19 Nov, Free Trade Hall)
1966 (18 Nov, Free Trade Hall)
1968 (22 Nov, Free Trade Hall)
1969 (28 Nov, Free Trade Hall)
1970 (20 Nov, Free Trade Hall)
1971 (19 Nov, Free Trade Hall)
Can anyone come up with Speech Day programmes from before 1951 (if such things exist) ??
Article "Farewell Eccles Grammar!" (historical notes)
Article "Memories of W. J. Shercliff"
Article "Pupil Memories of the School"
Pupils of the School lost their lives in WWI and in WWII. In 1949, memorial tablets were installed in the School, and a memorial service accompanied the installation. After the School was closed, and it got demolished in the 1990's, John Trace retrieved the tablets and stored them. In November 2005, the memorial tablets were installed in the Remembrance Chapel of St Paul's Church, Monton. An Old Essian, F. R. (Freddie) Cooke, 1946-53, who had become a minister, preached a sermon at St Paul's prior to the re-installation. He hade some fond recalls of his time at the School.
Tablets commemorating pupils losing lives in
Memorial Service in 1949 dedicating War Tablet
installations in School
Names of pupils losing life in WWI and WWII
Memorial service by F.R. Cooke at 2005 tablet transfers to St Paul's, Monton
These interesting items list members of the Old Essians' Association in 1939, 1946, and 1953. (The latter shows 'Life Members' only.) Many of these members were undoubtedly of the same families as later attendees of the School -- grandparents, parents, and other. We are indebted to Sue Green, daughter of the teacher Mr Bill Evans (as noted above), who supplied all these materials. Can anyone make available similar items ?
1939. Membership Booklet of the Old Essians' Association.
1946. Membership Booklet of the Old Essians' Association.
1953. Old Essians' Association Activity Summary
1950 -- People passing 11+ -- the passport to EGS
1959 Photo, Old Essians Presentation to Mr. Alec Pearson (on retirement)
1959 Invitation to the School's Christmas Fair.
1969 Retirement of "Miss Jackson"
1969 Airline Accident affecting 39 pupils
1971 Program for a "Summer Spectacular"
1971 Photo of Mr Darbyshire, near to his retirement
1971 Eccles and Patricroft Journal, article reporting Mr. Darbyshire's retirement
1971, Mr. Darbyshire's gift presentation at retirement.
1972 Charity event showing the film Woodstock
Cricketing career of our school's History teacher, "Mr Worsley"
EGS's Answer to Banksy -- John Britton
Baker, Beatrice Annie | Teacher and Senior Mistress, 1930-1965, English |
Ball, John | Teacher 1928-1963, Chemistry |
Bryan (m. Broadley), Elizabeth Mary | Teacher 1925-1963, Physical Education |
Cannon (nee Cooper), Dorothy Rose | Pupil 1915-22, Teacher c1949-c67, Latin |
Cowlishaw, Thomas Inglefield ("Tic") | Headmaster, 1911-1937 |
Darbyshire, Wilfred | Teacher 1935-1971, Physics |
Evans, William | Pupil 1929-35, Teacher 1947-55, Latin, Maths |
Fairweather, Harold Herbert | Headmaster 1937-1964, Geography, Religion |
Gunter, John Henry | Teacher 1911 - 1946, Chemistry, Acting Headmaster WWII |
Hollis, Arthur | Teacher 1914-1948, Handicrafts |
Ingham, Sadie | Senior Mistress 1917-1942 |
Pearson, Alec | Teacher 1926-1959, Maths |
Petford, Ida | Teacher 1915-1946 |
Pryor (m Legge), Marion | Pupil 1923-30, Teacher 1946? - 1972?, Maths |
Shercliff, William | Teacher 1912-1951, Geography, Mathematics |
Clicking on the opening line will go to a source with more information.
It has always been appropriate to have Nick Higham at the top of our list. Very sadly, he passed away in 2024, still at the summit of a career astounding in its accomplishment. A Mathematics Professor at the U. of Manchester, Fellow of the Royal Society, author of many very influential books, recipient of many prestigious awards, his list of accomplishments is rather staggering. His passing brought forth dozens of wonderful tributes, including one by SIAM.
Mr. Fairweather was a towering presence in the history of the school. We never doubted his tremendous commitment, his zealous concern for our welfare -- even if his rather militaristic style sometimes frightened us and infuriated us. He was a man of his age, and his leadership was outstanding. Darrell Jackson had the foresight to take a wonderful portrait photo of him in 1964, close to retirement.
Mr. McEwan was only rather briefly at the School, but he transferred across to the Eccles College where he remained for many years.
John Ball was a teacher of Chemistry from 1928 to 1963. He influenced a great many students who went on to to have stellar careers. The following obituary was written by the headmaster, Mr. Fairweather, after Mr. Ball's sudden death while still in his teaching years.
Mrs. Niddrie was an effervescent teacher of French at the school for 15 years, remembered warmly for the trips to Europe that she led with many students. In these, her charges were always amazed by her complete fluency in every language. She was raised in Africa, and came to England when her husband started teaching at Manchester University. After leaving EGS, she lived and worked in America for over 30 years.
Before the school, as we knew it, was formed, there was a non-public forerunner, also called Eccles Grammar School. John Walmsley started it in 1873, and was headmaster for 48 years. He is buried in the Peel Green Cemetery (from whose website this obituary is taken).
Frank Newby was a structural engineer who designed many important buildings. He was at the school in the 1930's, and his obituary was published in the Daily Telegraph.
Jack Tinker went to Medical School in Manchester. He became a leader in the medical community, becoming the Dean of the Royal Society of Physicians, and was credited with "setting the standards of modern intensive care in Europe". His obituary in British Medical Journal is not available online (and must be sought out by more conventional means), but the RSP website, shown here, offers a generous tribute.
Under her married name of Fleur Speakman, she has published many guide books to walking in Europe, as well as guides to Chester and the Yorkshire Wolds. Fleur was a pupil in the 1950's.
His name at school was Tony Simpson, and he had a most unusual time there. Despite that, he went on to become the creator of Coronation Street, Britain's longest running soap opera, followed by millions for over fifty years.
Peter wrote about technology for national newspapers including the Guardian and The Times, and also for the prominent PC Magazine.
Hubert Bennett attended the school near the time of WWI and rose to become the chief architect of the London County Council (later Greater London Council). As such, he was highly influential in how the capital city developed and was knighted in 1970.
Dr. Isherwood CBE was professor of Diagnostic Radiology at the University of Manchester. He pioneered the use of CT (Computed Tomography) and MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) that radically transformed the practices of medical imaging in recent decades. His papers at the M/c University Library, occupy nearly 10 feet of shelving ! He died in September 2018. An obituary gives extensive details.
In his youth, Tom Neil he had a remarkable career as a fighter pilot in WWII, and was interviewed for the documentary film Spitfire, released July 2018. He also wrote what has been described as the best book on the Battle of Britain, in which he participated as a pilot.
Eric had a tremendous soccer-playing career, making a record 592 appearances for Stoke City. He played from 1959 to 1977. He was team-mate of such famous legends as Stanley Matthews, Dennis Viollet, Jimmy McIlroy, Gordon Banks, and others.
The Buckley family may well be the most accomplished to have been pupils at our school. Sam, Robert, Henry and William (Pip) all became top-notch scientists who had distinguished careers. Henry had the distinction of having a British Museum collection named after him.
Martin was at EGS in the early 1960's. Following a career as a probation officer, he became very knowledgeable about crime in all its guises, and combined that with his literary ability. He has written an armload of books, including "Hanged in Lancashire" and "Foul Deeds and Suspicious Deaths in Manchester". He has also published many articles in Crime magazines, and a wonderful book of old photographs of Eccles that has pride of place on my bookshelf.
Harry Muskett, at EGS in the mid-sixties, has written an interesting and entertaining book about his youthful years, the major part being about his time at our school. It's a very honest account of how -- as a working class lad perhaps over-influenced by the cultural changes of the sixties -- he felt he missed out on his opportunities. It's full of good Northern humour and realism, thoughtful insight, and self-effacing modesty. It's a very enjoyable (and sometimes a bit shocking) read. "Harry Who ?" is available through Amazon in paperback or Kindle format.
Alan (PhD, 1958, DSc, 1981) had a very distinguished 40+-year career at the University of Salford, specializing in the study of Zeolite minerals. He published 252 papers, 3 books, held 12 patents, and supervised 66 PhD students. A lacrosse player with Boardman and Eccles in the 1950's, he became an ardent supporter of the development of the game, as the obituary on the National Lacrosse website shows.
Laurence Kay must have been the most multi-talented student we ever had at our school. He became a professor of Physics, was an outstanding athlete in many sports (was on the books of Manchester United at the time of the renowned Busby Babes), was a professional musician. After he left School, our teachers were in awe of him, telling we later students that he was the example we should strive to emulate.
Can you share appropriate articles/websites ??