Photos from after 1950, so there should be lots of people you recognize. Thanks to all of you who have shared your photos and names.
1950 (prob). This is thought to be taken when these girls were "celebrating" leaving School. They had just taken "O" levels. None are in School uniform, none are known to have studied Physics (that Mr Darbyshire taught exclusively in these years), and none seemed to continue at School beyond "O" levels. Thanks to Eleanor (Chapman) Barker and Gill (Rimmer) Buckley who could still identify most of the girls about 75 years later, sometimes (... still smart girls, Eleanor and Gill) comparing faces to those on the 1949 Roll photo (Right section) ! Back Row, L to R: Edith Ivill, Kathleen Dudson, n/k, Mr. Darbyshire, Marion Homer, n/k, n/k. Front Row: May Swindley, Christine Fielden, Barbara Heap, Ann Rowland, Marjorie Adams.
1954, This is a photo of the audience for the 30 November 1951 Speech Day, that was held at the Princess Cinema, on Monton Road. The photo is from the Eccles Journal. Eleanor Chapman was there (marked with colored dot), eagerly following what was going on. At the back, and at top right, are rows of proud parents, waiting for the moment when their little Our Alf or Pretty Polly will get a mention, to the accompaniment of thunderous applause.
1950-51. 1st XI Football. Back row: Mr. McKenzie, Tom Pendlebury, Ken Tittle, Harry Bridge, Pete Mercer, John Rimmer, unknown. Front Row: unknown, Bryce Fulton, Lol Kay, unknown, Bryn Cooper, Billy Watts. Photo provided by Kay Murray, names added by Andrew Brooks.
1950-51. 1st XI Cricket. Back row: Pete Mercer, Donald Thom, John Rimmer, Peter Bailey, unknown, Brian Royal. Middle Row: unknown, Lol Kay, unknown, Billy Watts, Brian Bailey. Front: Andy Brooks. Photo provided by Kay Murray, names added by Andrew Brooks.
1951. Girls hockey team. Back row: Pat Harris*, Elsie Smith*, Muriel Moss, Doris James, Pat Bird. Front Row: Jean Burtonwood, Unknown, Dilys Irish*, Gilda Ramsden, Marie Stamp, and Anne Bailey*. Ones with asterisk attended 2003 reunion dinner. Andrew Brooks provided this.
1951-52. 1st XI Football. Back Row: Lol Kay, Neville Buck, Pete Mercer, Freddie Cooke, unknown, Pete Mann, Mr. McKenzie. Front Row: Gordon Dixon, Bryce Fulton, Billy Watts, Harry Bridge, Ken Tittle. Photo provided by Kay Murray, names added by Andrew Brooks.
1952. 1st XI cricket. Back Row: Unknown, Ken Brookes, Dave Leighton, Unknown, Tom Pendlebury, Royle. Front Row: Pete Carton, Gordon Dixon, Alan Dyer, Harry Crowshaw, Mark Hall. Seated on ground: Andrew Brooks. Photo thanks to Andrew Brooks (preserved by Alan Dyer).
1954. These classmates started an underground caving group among themselves. Their names are shown on the photo. One of them, Andrew Brooks, provided the photo.
1954, October. Our teachers. A rare photograph, kindly provided by the family of Mrs. Dorothy Cannon who taught at the school in the 1950's (and had been a pupil, too, in the 1910's !) Back Row: M. Stone, J. S. Crompton, A. Winstanley, A. Briggs, A. Nickless, W. G. Hughes, J. Cottrill, C. A.Quincey, M. Howell, G. A. T. Varley. D. Jackson. Middle Row: T. McKenzie, G. M. Mainwaring, P. T. Ellis, K. M. Gower, T. Hill, L. Wharfe, M. Pryor, W. Evans, N. Yorston, K. M. Jones, E. A. Sainter, R. D. Evans, P. D. McKay. Front Row: M. K. Niddrie, W. Darbyshire, E. C. Forster, A. Pearson, H. H. Fairweather, B. A. Baker, J. Ball, E. M. Bryan, P. Williams.
1954. Form 4A Class Photo (supplied by Miriam Jones), Back Row: Keith Stokes, Stuart Penkett, Keith Pallin, Barbara Longdon, Jack Ryder, Joan Barker, Bob Smalley, Ronald Ferguson, Brian Savage, Eddie Bromley, Alan Cantwell, Alan Pidcock, Malcolm Clough. Middle Row: Janice Vaughan, Irene Hughes, Dorothy Twigg, Pam Gaskell, Jean Hardy, Joan Geake, Christine Brookes, Dale Tonge, Kathleen Fryer. Front Row: Alice Hughes, Margaret Hobson, Bernice Askham, Christine Bradburn, Phyllis Laybourne, Miriam Jones,
1954-55. "Mr Mc." readies his 1st. XI Soccer team. Did he notice they had only 10 men? Back Row: Richard Parker, Pete Carton, Peter Jackson, Mike Warrington, Jack Ryder. Front Row: Graham Spiller, Ernie Worthington, Burnham Savage, Albert Wolstenholme, Ken Boardman. We younger fellows learned our soccer by playing with them in the school playground ... with a tennis ball, of course.
1955-56. 1st XI soccer. Back row: B. Hall, A. Winstanley, M. Prendergast, D. Carton, D. Brown, R. Parker. Bottom row: N. Brookes, R. Wolstenholme, M. Warrington, A. Brooks, A. Walker. This photo was provided by Andrew Brooks.
1955. This was a school trip to France. We see: 1. Derrick Finch, 2. Neil Holt, 3. Spencer Shawcross, 4. Andrew Brooks (who gave us the photo), 5. Dave Stewart, 6. Bob Smedley, 7. Brian Banning, 8. Derrick Brown, 9. Graham Spiller, 10. Madame, 11. Mr. Wharfe, 12. Bob Wright, 13. Barry Jones, 14. Dave Lewis, Yellow dot (partially hidden). Richard Parker, 15. David Charnock, 16. A. Henshaw, 17. Bridge, 18. Tony Edge.
1955. On the trip to France, these lads engaged in an improvised game of football with French lads -- an England team of sorts ! Back Row: 1, Frenchman, 2. Richard Parker, 3. Neil Holt, 4. Derrick Brown, 5. Brian Banning, 6. Bob Smalley. Front Row: 7. Frenchman, 8. Graham Spiller, 9. Andrew Brooks, 10. Derrick Finch. Inset at the bottom is the so-English Mr Dawson, one of the teachers who was on the trip. Andrew Brooks supplied the photo.
1954-55. Marion Pryor and Miss Bryan here accompany the 1954-55 Senior netball team. Both of these teachers had been at the school, pupil and teacher respectively, since the 1920's.
1955. The cast of the school play, "Hobson's Choice". Mr Crompton, not on stage, was the producer.
1955. Six girls of 6 Lower on a hiking trip to Derbyshire during Whit Week.. Joan Geake, Jean Blake, Susan Lomax, Barbara Jones, Phyllis Laybourne
1957. A grainy (newspaper) photo of prefects in 1957. Among them are Alan Coxhill, Russ Wolstenholme, Dai Charnock, Pete Sharples, David Watts, Peter Hesford, Albert Homer, Peter Collier, Jim Norbury, Ann Blears, Joan Beswick, Eleanor Chapman, Philippa Lewis, Faith Smith, and Catherine Gunn. Mr Ball and Mrs Niddrie are in the centre.
1957. Under 15's football team in 1957. Back: Roy Griffiths, Geoff Lord, Evans, Mike Fleming, Dave Lyno. Front: Harry King, Brian Yung, Alan Bowers (the Messi of his day), Gary Owen, and Willie Wileman.
1957 School Trip to Narbonne. No teachers in sight, so this group took advantage. Rodney Earlston, Dave Mather, Alan Bowers, Harry King, Roy Griffiths, not remembered, Chris Bailey, Geoff Almond, and Keith Denneny,
1957 Class 4a. Back: Carol Peake, Sheila Parton, Ernie Henrich, Roy Griffiths, Harry King, Walter Johnson, Mr. Crompton, John Goodman, William Buckley, Derek Brown, Gillian Clough, Joyce Sheppard. Middle: Maureen Wynn, Valerie Taylor, Sheila Anderson, Christine Allen, Dorothy Wilkinson, Pat Woolley, Margaret Knowles, Catherine Milne, Christine Gee, Marie Brett. Front: Brian Yung, Alan Bowers, Geoff Almond, Brian Elsey.
1957. A group of students were obviously very pleased to be with their well-loved Latin teacher, Mrs. Dorothy Cannon (who's equally pleased to be with them). Back Row: Keith Pallin, Eddie Bromley. Middle Row: Joan Geake, Susan Lomax, Mrs. Cannon, Pat (Effie) Taylor, Janice Vaughan. Front Row: Margaret Hobson, Heather Wardle, Margaret Wilkinson, Connie Brookes.
1957. A girls-only party that visited Narbonne, led by the indefatigable Mrs. Niddrie. The photo is thanks to Joyce (Sheppard) Draycott, almost dead centre in the photo.
1957. Another party of students visiting France with Mrs Niddrie. A few trustworthy boys are seen to be among the party, but the French weightlifter/wrestler seemed to accompany the group to make sure they stayed "trustworthy".
1958. A very chic party of girls visiting Paris, with Mrs Niddrie in charge again. Joyce (Sheppard) Draycott, who provided the photo, and her forever friend Gillian Clough stand on Mrs. Niddrie's right. I don't remember all these girls looking so alluring when they were around the school !
1958. David Watts, Faith Smith, Pete Collier, Eleanor Chapman, and Pete Hesford take a break from the 1958 Sports Day at Harry's Cafe They would all seem to have been spectators, eh!
1958. This day in July was the last day of their EGS careers for these celebrants outside the Park Hotel. Eleanor Chapman is the stand-out in the white coat! Then on to greater things.
1958. Class 4A. Back: Joe Roe, Peter Henrich, Geoffrey Skelton, Ian McDonald, Bill Farmer, Ian Margrove. Upper Girls Row: Jean Walsh, Leslie Hayes, Joan Bevon, Elizabeth Allen, Marian Lee, Sandra Langtree, Sheila Shaw, Kathleen Oldfield, Mr Briggs. Lower Girls Row: Cynthia Adshead, Sandra Smith, Marjorie Quinn, Valerie Price, Christine Westoby, Sylvia Morton, Jean Jolly, Rosemary Blanksby. Front: David Leah, Peter Owen, Ian Basson, Peter Shaw, George Lockery, Barrie Purcell.
1958-59 Under 14's Football. Back: Mr Farrimond, Dave Worsley, Danny Wilkinson, Ian Bloomer, Roger Rimmer, Jeff Wilson, Geoff Rayner. Front: Colin Popplewell, Tony Salt, Ken Watson, John Smith, Ken Brizland.
1958-59 1st XI Football. Back: Walter Johnson, ?, Derek Brown, Alan Hanmer, Harry King, Tony Shaw. Front: McDougall?, Tommy Rudd, Dave Carton, Brian Yung, Geoff Woodward.
1959-1960. 1st XI Football team. Back: Stuart Taylor, Gordon Warburton, Alan Hanmer, Derek Brown, Peter Owen, Howard Munk. Front: Robert Parrot, Brian Yung, Harry King, Brian Hulme, John Hodgden.
1959-60 Under 15's Football. Back Mr D Smith, Ken Brizland, Danny Wilkinson, Ian Bloomer, Jeff Wilson, Colin Popplewell Front: Fred Westerby, Tony Salt, Ken Watson, Geoff Rayner, Alan Claridge.
1960-61. 1st XI Hockey team. Back: Beulah O'Hara, Diana Nash, Janet Maxwell, unknown, Liz Gardner, Brenda Hawksworth, Ms. Cottingham. Front: Joan Bevan, Christine Hardy, Pauline Ridgway, Sue Gunn, Ruth Wolstenholme.
1960. Under 13's Football. Back: David Hall, David Clayton, John Ogden, Ian Finch, Peter Scott, Rod Taylor. Front: Bill Smith, Geoff McCormick, David King, Stuart Greenwood, Ray Jones, Barry Stevenson. Geoff supplied this photo. We have speculated about the apparent German officer standing about the pavilion and the young lad taking his pants off next to him!
1960-61. 1st VII Netball team. A very happy group -- looks like they had just won! Back: Hilary Rothwell, Lynn Stainton, Barbara Dootson, Carol Power. Front: Pauline Ridgway, Christine Hardy, Sue Gunn.
1961. Under 14's Football. Back: Colin Jones, David McNaughton, John Ogden, Pete Smethurst, David Clayton, Barry Stevenson, Stuart Greenwood. Front: Raymond Jones, Geoff McCormick, David King, Peter Scott, Rod Taylor.
1961. 1st XI Football. Back: Peter Owen, Colin Jones, Geoff Rayner, Ian Bloomer (?), Gordon Warburton, David Peters, Tony Salt. Front: Geoff Woodward, Bob Parrott, Stuart Taylor, Howard Monk, Max Sharratt.
1961-62. 1st XI Hockey. Back: Beulah O'Hara, Liz Gardner, unknown, Janet Maxwell, Maureen Ripley, Hilary Rothwell. Front: Liz Nutter, Sue Gunn, Christine Hardy, Beryl Almond, Carol Harper.
1961-62. 2nd VII Netball. Back: Sue Gunn, Janet Maxwell, Beryl Blinkhorn, Carol Harper. Front: Unknown, Pat Coade, Liz Gardner.
1962. Under 15's Football. Back: Colin Jones, Raymond Jones. Peter Scott, Hewison, David McNaughton, David Clayton, Bill McKinder. Front: John Ogden, Geoff McCormick, Stuart Greenwood, Bill Smith, David King.
1963 Form 3A. Christine Fairclough remembered the names as follows: Back: Roger Dearden; Roy Peters; Lynda Blood; Eddie Ruleman; John Legge; Alan Bommer; David Langston; Aubrey McCreesh; Robin Dean; Alan Draper; Stephen Laird; Leslie Ruddock; Stephen Beeley; Stanley Dolan; Brian Concannon; Norman Hesford. Front: Jennifer Cooke; Christine Sunsburg; Susan Fallows; Nona Knight; Denise Smith; Winifred Collantine; Mr Joe Riley; Julie Halligan; Kathleen Howard; Lynne Stewart; Susan Carson.
1963 (about). A group of girls. Back, l-r, Sheelagh Lenord, Marilyn Jones, Joan Seddon. Front, Margaret Muskett, Christine Wilson, Linda Houghton, Kathleen Latham, Pauline Morrisey, Hazel Brown.
1963 (about). A group of boys. Back, l-r, Alan Walker, Howard Thornley, Bev, Adrian. Front, Alan Cordwell, John Cherry, Ian Perks
1964. Group Photo. Back, L to R: Dave Paisley, Ian Cordwell: 2nd Row:, Les Mort, Howard Thornley, Alan Walker, Phil Williams, Bev Broadbent: 3rd Row: Kathleen Latham, Pauline Morrissey, Marilyn Jones, Sheelagh Lenord, Jennifer Hampson, Hazel Brown, Enid Brookes, Christine Wilson, Tina Moffat, Catherine Baxter, Susan Campbell; Front Row: Linda Houghton, Margaret Muskett.
1964/65 of a trip to the Colonie de Vacances, Narbonne. Standing: Winifred Collantine, Sheila Davies, Jennifer Cooke, Valerie Parton, Julie Halligan. Sitting: Margaret Hall.
1964. 1st XI Football. Back: Neville Rowles, Steve Mortimer, Howard Thornley, Ian Finch, David Clayton, Colin Dutton, Terry Hamblett; Front Row Peter Wignall, Willie Smith, David King, Stuart Hosie, Peter Scott.
1964. Group of lads in front of the extension classrooms. Back, L to R: Bev Broadbent, Howard Thornley, Adrian Powell, Phil Williams, Alan Walker. Front: Dave Paisey, Alan Cordwell, Ian Perks. (Linda Houghton in the window.)
1965. A group photo after the November Speech Day. L to R: Howard Thornley, Catherine Baxter, Adrian Powell, Mayor of Eccles, Mr McEwan, the Mayoress, Mike McCann, Hazel Brown, Margaret Muskett.
1965. Presentation to Twinning Committee at Narbonne. Various notable French committee members but 2nd from left Herve Boix, French Assistant at EGS for that year; in the middle Miss Boulton, Miss Ravenscroft Mrs Rutland (?) EGS French teachers. Margaret Muskett (dragooned to the Presentation to make a speech in French!) stands at right ... clever Margaret !
1965. A large school party visited the Houses of Parliament on March 18, 1965. It was hosted by John McCann M. P., member for Rochdale and a former Mayor of Eccles. His children, Elaine and Mike, were both at our school. Identified on the photo are: 1 Howard Thornley, 2 John Needham, 3 Pete Scott, 5 Keith Dixon, 6 Vaughan Bradford, 8 Pete Johnson, 9 Bev Broadbent, 10 Mike McCann, 11 Fred Riordan, 12 Mike Pomfret, 14 Willie Smith, 16 Robert Brown, 17 Nev Rowles, 18 John Cherry, 20 Herve Boix, 21 Veronica West, 22 Sandra Moody, 23 Sheelagh Lenord, 24 Margaret Muskett, 25 Mal Jones, 26 Christine Wilson, 28 Mary Edwards, 30 Linda Woodward, 31 Miss Boulton, 32 Mr WG Thomas, 33 Rachel Isherwood, 34 Enid Brookes, 35 Catherine Baxter, 36 Sue Campbell, 37 Susan Heywood, 38 Margaret Dudley, 41 Helen Roberts, 42 Lewis Carter-Jones (Eccles MP), 43 Mr Jack McCann
1965ish U15 Football. Roger Caldwell provided this photo. Back, L to R: Phil Russell, David Ashton, Ray Crossley, Norman Jackson, Alan Draper, Roger Caldwell, Peter Smith, Peter Breslin. Front:, Ian Stubbs, Alan Greenwalsh, Terry Hamblett, Duncan Walton, Dave Maw, Ian Windsor
1966, Speech Day group. Back, L to R. Ian Finch, Paul "Fred" Blankley, George Turnbull. Front: Jenny Cochran, Eva Saarsteiner, Dave Stubbings, and Glenys Pass. Thanks to Margaret (Muskett) Moxon, who identified the names, and Eccles' history guru, Tony Flynn, who provided the photo.
About 1966. Check this, mate! -- stalwarts of the Chess Club. (L to R): Alan (Fred) Davies, Pete (Ched) Rowles, Brian O'Driscoll, Barrie Jones, John Britton, B Williams?, Graham "Slide" Hughes, Roger Caldwell.
1966. Under 14's Football . (Back, L to R): Eric Messer, John Shepherd, Keith Spacey, Dave Smith, Tony Puzylo, Andy Parris: (Front) Willie Currie, John Smith, John Britton, Phil McCune, John Scanlan. (Arthur Blears and Steve Anchor missing).
1966-67, 2nd XI Football. (Back, L to R): Peter Rowles, Richard Wiggans, Norman Jackson, Raymond Elliot, Peter Breslin, Peter Smith, Roger Caldwell: (Front) Kevin Quine, Tony Parsons, Ausie Norton, Barry Marsland, Dave Ashton
1967, 1st XI Cricket. (Back, L to R): Dave Maw, Robin Britton, Denis McCulloch, Jez Mayers, Eddie Ruleman, Andy Booth, Alan Draper; (Front) Steve Potts, Graham Cunningham, Ian Stubbs, Johnnie Gould, Ian Finch, John Britton, Steve Anchor.
1967-68, 1st XI Football. (Back, L to R): Dave Smith, Andrew Booth, Roger Caldwell, Norman Jackson, Dave Maw, Peter Breslin, Ian Griffiths: (Front) Alan Smethurst, Eric Messer, Ian Stubbs, Alan Draper, John Ashton, Ray Crossley, John Smith,
1968-69. 1st XI Football. Back, L to R: Dave Smith, John Ashton, David Ashton, Norman Jackson, John Scanlan, Phil McCune, Peter Breslin. Front Row: Arthur Blears, Roger Caldwell, Ian Stubbs, David Randall, John Smith, Eric Messer.
1969-70. 1st XI Football. Back, L to R: Dave Smith, Arthur Blears, Chris Stockwell, Dave Randall, Steve Blainey, Cliff Stanley: (Front) Roger Caldwell, Eric Messer, John Smith, Phil McCune, John Randall, John Ashton
1969-70. A repeat photo of the 1st XI football seems to have been made that season (due to some lads leaving school). This XI is as follows: Back, L to R: Dave Smith, Johnny Scallan, Chris Stockwell (GK), Eric Messer, Arthur Blears, Cliff Stanley. Front: Steve Blainey, Dave Randall, John Smith, Phil McCune, John Ashton.
1969. The 1st XI Football lads got their photos in the Eccles and Patricroft Journal, this photo appearing out of the ancient newspaper's Archives. The lads were off on a tour of Edinburgh. The Scourge of the Scots, somebody called them. Many thanks to Norman Jackson and Roger Caldwell who rustled up the names: 1 Eric Messer, 2 Andy Booth, 3 Arthur Blears, 4 John Smith, 5 Steve Blainey, 6 Dave Smith, 7 Willie Currie, 8 Ian Stubbs, 9 David Ashton, 10 John Ashton, 11 Phil McCune, 12 Norman Jackson, 13 Chris Stockwell, 14 Peter Breslin, 15 David Randall, 16 Roger Caldwell.
1969 Boys_Badminton. Badminton !!! We'd never heard of that 10 years earlier ! Back, L to R: Chris Stockwell, Tony Elwood, Donald McCready, Dave Randall. Front: Roger Caldwell, Dave Townsend, Andy Mallinder
1969 First XI Cricket. A clean-cut young crew. Back: Dave Harris: Ian Stubbs: Andy Booth (C); Jes Mayers; John Britton; Peter Rowles. Front: Dave Randall; Chris Stockwell (WK): Ian Griffiths; Tony Elwood; Phil Rigby.
1971. A Class Photo taken at the front of the building. Back Row: Stephen Goddard, Michael Fernhead, Andrew Ditchfield, Wayne Fox, John Cotterill, Stuart Hampson, Bruce Dalziel, Peter Downing, Peter Hawkins, Warren Howlett, Roy Harcup, Sean Smith, Kevin Hall. Middle Row: Sylvia Franklin, Stella Goodyear, Julie Entwistle, Pamela Johnson, Janet Hiley, Jane Hayman, Christine Hampson. Front Row: Mrs Young - maths teacher, Carol Gooch, Lynn Cudworth, Beverly Jones, Jeanne Duncan, Julie Heap, Christine Fallon, Jane Dixon, Susan Dawid
1972 First XI Cricket. Tony Elwood dug this photo out of his archive, but struggling to remember first names of dome of the lads. Any help ? Back: Cliff Stanley; Robert Hilton; Tony Elwood (C); Alan Stott; B. Jackson; M. Howell; Roger Faulkner. Front. M. Anderson; R. Smith; Steve Arstall; Ian Orford; Steve Shaw; John Randall (WK).
1972. U14's Football. Back, L to R: Roy Barrett, John Faulkner, Mike Westwell, Duncan Lamb, Niven Howlett, Robert Dolan: Front, L to R: Robert Hodgson, John Marchmant, Peter Hampson, Robert Hilton, Jeffrey Waters, Graham Yates.