RECENT CHANGES (2 Jan 2017): Lynne (Garner) Wilkinson, who was at the school 1969-1974 recently sent to me a scanned version of the 1970 roll photo, as well as a few names of the teachers. This photo has been digitally enhanced, and is made available below. Thanks Lynne!
RECENT CHANGES (8 Jan 2017): The 1938 (estimated) roll photo has been added. This is with great thanks to Sue (Evans) Green, the daughter of Bill ("Latin") Evans, well remembered by those of us at the school in the 1950's when he was a teacher there (1947-55). Sue scanned her original copy. Mr. Evans had also been a pupil at the school, 1928 to 1935. In his teaching years, he taught both Latin and Mathematics, a very rare combination of talents. (He held a degree from Liverpool University in both subjects.) I have added a few names of teachers that I recognized: can anyone speculate on others I have missed ? A table has also been added listing some of the teachers who served the school for many years.
RECENT CHANGES (10 Jan 2017): Speech Day programme for 1963 has been added. Several new names have been added to the 1955 Roll photo. A newspaper photo of Mr. Pearson's 1959 retirement is added.
RECENT CHANGES (11 Jan 2017): A slew of names has been added to the 1955 photos, thanks to Eleanor (Chapman) Barker, John Russell, Christine (Gill) Jermey, Jim Norbury, Mo Prendergast. I heard about elephants having good memories, but these people are amazing! All these name suggestions have been added to the photo versions dated 10th January, 2017.
RECENT CHANGES (14 Jan 2017): Old Essians membership materials from 1939, 1946, and 1953 have been added. Sue (Evans) Green kindly provided these.
RECENT CHANGES (20 Jan 2017): The 1961 Roll photo (with names) has been added. Thanks are due to James Ashcroft and Sue Green.
RECENT CHANGES (22 Jan 2017): Numbers have been added to the 1958 Roll photo. Recognize any "unknowns" ?
RECENT CHANGES (30 Jan 2017): The 1960 School Magazine (Essayan) been added.
RECENT CHANGES (2 Feb 2017): The 1955 School Magazine (Essayan) been added.
RECENT CHANGES (19 Feb 2017): Photo of U14's Fooball team added -- thanks to Niven Howlett who I've unexpectedly "bumped into", living here in sunny San Diego, too!
RECENT CHANGES (21 Feb 2017): A NUMBERED version of the 1970 Roll Photo has been added -- makes it easier for those who are trying to identify names of people on the photo.
RECENT CHANGES (26 Feb 2017): Four photos of the girl's sports teams '60-'61, and '61-'62 have been added. Thanks to Sue (Gunn) Barlow and John Barlow for making these available.
RECENT CHANGES (28 Feb 2017): About 60 new names have been added to the 1970 roll photo -- thanks to the keen eyes of Chris Orr (1963-70) and Moira (Howarth) Orr (1964-71).
RECENT CHANGES (6 Mar 2017): About 40 new names have been added to the 1970 roll photo by Niven Howlett.
RECENT CHANGES (17 Mar 2017): Over 50 new names were added to the 1970 roll photo by Malcolm Howarth.
RECENT CHANGES (23 Mar 2017): Eleanor has done it yet again! She acquired and scanned another roll photo -- the 1964 one !! This has had names and numbers added by me, and it's now available in the list below. Many thanks to Eleanor and her friend/relative, Gwen Riley, also an "old girl" of the school. Now you should be able to remember names from this photo ... it's from only 53 years ago ... .
RECENT CHANGES (30 Mar 2017): A photo of the front of the school during WWII has been provided by Martin Baggoley. A photo of the school's foundation stone has also been added (see "Photos of the School's Exterior").
RECENT CHANGES (5 May 2017): A few names have been added to the 1970 photos by Sally Probert. Thanks, Sally.
RECENT CHANGES (8 May 2017): My old classmate from 60 years ago, Pip Buckley, appeared out of the mists of time and added some new names for 1955 and 1958. That has been a particular pleasure.
RECENT CHANGES (15/16 May 2017): Steve Hargreaves rattled the memory box to add a few more names to the 1964 roll photo, finding himself there, too.
RECENT CHANGES (23 May 2017): More names on the 1964 photo thanks to Steve Hargreaves.
RECENT CHANGES (27 July 2017): Eleanor and Gwen came up with a whole raft-load of names on the 1955 photo -- at least 80 or so. That's the kind of exercise to keep dementia at bay!
RECENT CHANGES (8 August 2017): Norman Jackson discovered the site and added 14 names to the 1964 photo (including him, his wife, and his sister). Norman also provided the 1st XI Soccer photo from 1969.
RECENT CHANGES (25 August 2017): John Britton dug out 3 photos from the mid-1960's -- the Chess Club, U14 Football, and 1st XI Cricket. He also made additions/corrections to the 1969 1st XI Football photo. Thanks, John.
RECENT CHANGES (9 October 2017): Wonderful surprise when a lady from the 1949 photo, Maureen Daniels, identified herself on the photo. (She's number 245 on the Mid-Right photo.) That's the first change on that photo for about 40 years, I think ! A few other changes, too, on the Mid-Right and Right photos. Great work, Maureen!
RECENT CHANGES (21 November 2017): Olga (Lewyckyj) Dodd came up with a bunch of names on the 1970 photo and (unsurprisingly) corrected the spelling of her own name on that photo. Olga must surely have been the School spelling champion given her practice with her own name! Many thanks, Olga.
RECENT CHANGES (30 December 2017): Anne Brown found herself (463) on the 1955 (Left section) photo, and identified Jean Yates next to her. Thanks Anne.
RECENT CHANGES (21 February 2018): I have had the good fortune of being contacted by Derek Briggs, at the school '59-'64, and whose father attended the school long, long ago (1930-35). Derek has added new names to the '61 and '64 photos, and has passed along some great class photos from the 1930's. These will be added to the site soon. A much appreciated contact, Derek!
RECENT CHANGES (23 February 2018): The class photos from 1931 to 1935, provided by Derek Briggs, have now been put on the site. (See 'Photographs of Staff and Pupils (Pre-1950).) Derek's dad ('31-'35), who kept all these photos, is on all of them. Some dads, mothers, grandmothers, and granddads of our living generation are shown on these. Recognize anyone? Many thanks to Derek for providing these, a real treasure.
RECENT CHANGES (14 March 2018): David Cox recently contacted me. His father, Jack (J.R.) was at the school 1926-34, was school captain '32-'34. He went on to have a distinguished career as a geographer (such that he was selected to present certificates and prizes at the 1955 Speech Day), and also as Editor of the "Boys Own Paper", a well-known childrens' newspaper for many decades. David kindly provided some materials that his father had preserved. Among these is the 1955 Speech Day program, and that has now been added to this site, Other materials from David, all relating to the early 1930's, will be added soon.
RECENT CHANGES (20 March 2018): Further materials provided by David Cox have been added to the site -- Speech Day programmes for 1931, 1932, and 1933; and programmes for School concerts/plays in 1931, 1932, and 1934. The latter has an interesting photograph of many children and several teachers. Many thanks again to David.
RECENT CHANGES (22 March 2018): Thanks to Chris Cunliffe, 14 new names have been added to the 1964 photos and the 1970 photo.
RECENT CHANGES (12 May 2018): Barrie Purslow has stepped out of the mists of time to provide10 new names on the 1958 photos -- first new sightings in these photos for quite a few months. He also thinks he can dig out his old 4A photo, too, so watch this space! Thanks Barrie!
RECENT CHANGES (14 May 2018): Barrie did find his old 4A photo (was it in an old sock?). It's now up amongst the "Photo groups ... (After 1950)".
RECENT CHANGES (12 August 2018): Irene Francis supplied some names on the 1964 photo. Good on yer, Irene! (She now lives in Australia, as you might guess.)
RECENT CHANGES (13 August 2018): Barrie Purslow alerted me to an obituary after the recent death of one of the "old boys" from the 1930's, Tom Neil. His story has been added to the "Stories ... Former Pupils" section.
RECENT CHANGES (13 August 2018): Derek Briggs and Alan Whittacker put their heads together to come up with about a dozen more names on the '61 and '64 photos. Thanks to both.
RECENT CHANGES (15 August 2018): Geoff McCormick took a break from kicking a soccer ball around Vancouver to send two photos of U14 and U15 football teams in '61 and '62. They're amongst the "Photo groups ... (After 1950)". Thanks, Geoff.
RECENT CHANGES (15 August 2018): John Russell, a very helpful contributor to these pages, alerted me to the fact that one of his 1st XI school football team mates in the mid 1950's was Eric Skeels. See "Stories ... Former Pupils". Thanks, as always, John.
RECENT CHANGES (5 September 2018): The "Stories ... Former Pupils ..." section has been re-arranged and expanded a bit. The accomplishments of Fleur Penford ('51-'59) and Henry Buckley ('49-'57) have been added to the list. Anyone know of others of particular accomplishment ?.
RECENT CHANGES (11 September 2018): Elizabeth Allen found herself on the '55 and '58 photos. Thanks Elizabeth.
RECENT CHANGES (24 September 2018): Richard Mortimer, who left in 1961, found the website and identified himself as 133 on the 1958 photo. Thanks Richard!
RECENT CHANGES (12 October 2018): What a find! Richard Mortimer takes the prize for best preservation -- he came up with the Essayans from 1957, 1958, and 1959. They've been scanned and added to the "School Magazines" section. Many thanks.
RECENT CHANGES (21 October 2018): More names in '58. A dozen names added thanks to Richard Mortimer.
RECENT CHANGES (24 December 2018): Christine Sunsburg Fairclough added a few names on the 1964 photos and is preparing some old materials for submission that she's preserved for nearly 60 years. Thanks Christine!
RECENT CHANGES (1 January 2019): More Christmas gifts from Christine Sunsburg Fairclough. She came up with two "School Review" magazines from 1916 and 1917 !! These were forerunners of the Essayan. They appeared when WWI was in progress. In the 1916 one, there is a photo of the teaching staff "before summer 1916" (the photo is also shown in "Photos ... pre-1950"). Mr Shercliff is absent from the photo -- he was serving in the War. Also a 1964/65 photo of a school trip to Narbonne. Great gifts, Christine.
RECENT CHANGES (5 January 2019): We are again indebted to Christine Sunsburg Fairclough who taught herself how to scan and expertly prepared the 1962 Essayan and the 1965 Speech Day programme to our collection.
RECENT CHANGES (6 January 2019): 1966 Speech Day programme added ... on recent form, no prizes for guessing who provided it again!
RECENT CHANGES (9 January 2019): Christine comes through again ... the 1967 Speech Day programme has been added. Thanks again, Chris.
RECENT CHANGES (14 January 2019): Christopher Darby and John Fraser added names to the 1970 and 1964 photos respectively. Good memories, these folks.
RECENT CHANGES (16 January 2019): Tony Elwood filled in many names on the 1970 L and MidL photos, and Alison Andreasson put in a few on the MidR section of the photo of the same year. Darrell Jackson kindly made available to us a photograph he took of Mr. Fairweather near to his retirement. (It's in the "Stories ... Teachers" section. Thanks to all.
RECENT CHANGES (23 January 2019): Thanks to Jeff Wilson we have about 20 new names on the 1958 Left photo.
RECENT CHANGES (25 January 2019): Kay (Smith) Murray has made lots of contributions of names on the 1964 photos. Good job, Kay.
RECENT CHANGES (28 January 2019): Jeff Wilson is "on a roll", adding lots of new names to the 1958 photograph. Continued thanks, Jeff.
RECENT CHANGES (29 January 2019): Let's bang the drum for an old schoolmate of many of us, Martin Baggoley (1960's). The "Stories of Former Pupils/Teachers" section gives us a peek into the very impressive authorship career he has established (on top of a "real" job !)
RECENT CHANGES (31 January 2019): A flood of new names have been added. mainly on the 1964 photo, but also on the 1958 and 1970 photos. I need to retire from retirement at this rate of work! Thanks to the senders -- Jeff Wilson, Norman Jackson and Rodger Bagnall
RECENT CHANGES (1 February 2019): More names on 1958 Right photo and on all sections of the 1964 photo. Jeff Wilson are Norman Jackson are the providers, once again
RECENT CHANGES (2 February 2019): Pat Marsh identifed herself and her brother on the 1970 photo.
RECENT CHANGES (6 February 2019): Jeff Wilson adds/corrects names on Left/Midleft 1961 photos. Thanks for your carefulness, Jeff.
RECENT CHANGES (8 February 2019): Norman Jackson (with the help of old friends) has been busy on the 1964 photo, and Jeff Wilson, with old buddies Ian Bloomer, Doug Atkinson, John Cunningham, George Dyson, and Garth Hope have made lots of additions to the 1961 photos. A big thanks to all for a LOT of work.
RECENT CHANGES (15 February 2019): Thanks to Roger Caldwell who has located and scanned the 1970 Speech Day program that has been added to our collection.
RECENT CHANGES (16 February 2019): Big flurry of action. I'm breathless. David Brown came up with Speech Day programs for 1968, 1969, and 1972, and provided some nice photos he's taken of the EGS building, inside and outside, in 1982 before it got demolished. Roger Caldwell provided photos of the warriors on the football teams, '66 to '70. Many thanks to both of those fellas.
RECENT CHANGES (17 February 2019): The Speech Day programs for 1971 has been added thanks to David Brown. The words of the School Hymn, a stirring piece composed by Mr Varley in the 1950's, have been added.
RECENT CHANGES (19 February 2019): Nice surprise today. Eleanor Chapman picked the brains of Miriam Jones, who was 529 on the 1952 roll photo (67 years ago!), to add about a dozen names to that photo, One was my cousin, Peter King (21), that I hadn't recognized from so long ago. Hadn't had new names on those photos for 2 years. Many thanks Miriam and Eleanor.
RECENT CHANGES (26 February 2019): Jeff Wilson, who has done great work in providing many names on the roll photos, has kindly provided some old Essayans, too (from '53. '54, '56 and '61). Scanning technology doesn't exist in Cadishead (!) so my Eccles cousin Angela Shepherd (an honorary EGSian) has kindly took on the task of scanning them. The first, from 1953, is up on our site today. Many thanks to Jeff and Angela.
RECENT CHANGES (26 February 2019): Eleanor Chapman and Miriam Jones procured and scanned the 1953 Speech Day programme, and that is now in our collection. They also pulled out of the hat a photo of the audience at the 1951 Speech Day, and Eleanor had a leading role!. A much appeciated collaboration between two of the "oldies" around here!
RECENT CHANGES (26 February 2019): Roger Caldwell has passed along photos of two of his sports teams in the late 1960's -- good lookin' fellas all. A big thanks to Roger.
RECENT CHANGES (28 February 2019): Eleanor and Miriam collaborated again. We have a Form 4A photo from 1954, and a hiking trip photo of some of the 6L girls to Derbyshire in 1955. A few names have also been added to the four 1952 Roll photos. Thanks Eleanor and Miriam.
RECENT CHANGES (1 March 2019): Jeff Wilson's 1954 July and 1956 Easter Essayans have been added to the Archive. Again, Angela Shepherd has done all the scanning work, and we thank them both.
RECENT CHANGES (2 March 2019): The last of Jeff Wilson's Essayan collection -- that of Summer 1961 -- has now been scanned and is up on our site, Thanks to Angela Shepherd's expert and efficient scanning, and Jeff's helpfulness in lending them, we now have these newly-discovered Essayans available to all of us. Much appreciation to both of you.
RECENT CHANGES (11 March 2019): Eleanor and Miriam have done it again. This time, adding the 1952 Speech Day program to our collection. Continuing thanks to both.
RECENT CHANGES (21 March 2019): Christine (Sunsburg) Fairclough provided two class photos from the 1930's, two concert/play photos also from the 1930's, and a photo of her 3A class in 1963. You've become an expert scanner, Chris ... thanks!
RECENT CHANGES (22 March 2019): Andy Lewis, living in Eccles (lucky fella!) but not a former pupil, acquired a couple of class photos from as far back as 1922 and 1924. Unsolicited, Andy very kindly donated them to the Archive -- greatly appreciated, Andy.
RECENT CHANGES (22 March 2019): An exceptional contributor to these pages, Derek Briggs, stepped up again to provide three more Class photos from the 1930's. Always appreciative, Derek.
RECENT CHANGES (29 March 2019): An unexpected gift came our way -- the roll photo of the School in 1946, just after the War. We are much indebted to Graham Lowcock of Cheadle who, though not a former pupil of the School, realized its significance on finding it while assisting in settling the Estate of a former student of the School who had died. That "former pupil" was Ena Molineux (1943-1949). Ena had a distinguished career in education, becoming headmistress of the Moorside Junior School in Stockport and receiving an MBE from the Queen in 1992 for her services to Education. (Ena is identified in the 1949 Midright photo, but I can't identify her on this 1946 photo.) Many thanks to Graham for his foresight and persistence to get this photo to us.
RECENT CHANGES (31 March 2019): By a miracle of good fortune we have heard from Audrey (Shawcross) Davies, who was at our School 1943-49. [Eleanor (Chapman) Parker, ever the wizard, established contact with Audrey.] Audrey was able to identify every single teacher on the photo! Now, how impressive is that from 73 years ago!! Two of the teachers on the photo -- Sefton and Petford -- had been there since at least 1916. We appreciate your help greatly, Audrey. We see her, incidentally, as 227 on the 1949 Right Photo, and by name on the 1946 Midright photo.
RECENT CHANGES (4 April 2019): Eleanor has been contacted by John Bailey who was at the School 1940-47 and "was gobsmacked" to discover our Archive. His brother Allen was at the School, too. John has already corrected a couple of names on the 1949 photo (Left section, now corrected) and is going to help us further. Much looking forward to your insights, John,
RECENT CHANGES (4 April 2019): Amazed by the memory of the "old timers" coming out of the woodwork, I have put new versions of the 1946 photos "up" on the site. These versions number everyone on the photos for easier identification -- just "count along the rows" for numbers not shown.
RECENT CHANGES (5 April 2019): Ken Savage added names to the L and ML sections of the 1952 Roll photo. Thanks Ken.
RECENT CHANGES (5 April 2019): Busy spell here !! Liz (Hinchcliffe) Oliver provided a couple of dozen names on the 1952 photos (MR and R sections), She also kindly gave us a couple of class photos from the early 1920's (on which her aunt, Bertha Hinchcliffe, appeared). (See pre-1950 photos.) Liz's older brothers went to the school, too, and are on the 1949 photos. Many thanks to Liz, who's #80 on the 1952 R photo section.
RECENT CHANGES (6 April 2019): John Bailey, who was at the School during the war years, added names to the 1946 photo. I hope I'm as sharp as John when I get to his age. (Come to think of it, I'm not even now !) John himself is #21 (MidL) and also on the photos are his brothers Allen (#17, MidL) and Peter (#426, MidR). Thank you John!
RECENT CHANGES (6 April 2019): Audrey (Shawcross) Davies identified for us Ena Molyneux -- the lady who'd preserved for us the 1946 photo -- on that same photo. (See Changes Note for 29 March.) Ena was MidR, #118. Another A+ for Audrey.
RECENT CHANGES (14 April 2019): Derek Briggs has come up with a nice little gem -- again! It is the "Dress Code" list our parents used to get in the 50's and early 60's. (See 'Other Materials' section.) How times have changed! Great find, Derek.
RECENT CHANGES (17 April 2019): Two more photos have been added from the late 1950's -- the U14's and U15's football teams. Jeff Wilson kindly provided these, and we can see Jeff on them, in the prime of his youth !
RECENT CHANGES (23 April 2019): My California neighbour, Niven Howlett, provided a few more names on the 1970 photos, then precipitated an avalanche of other names on the same photos from other people: Andy Goss, Steve Maclean, Garry Evans, and Garry Brogan all contributed heavily. Andrew Bentley also added names on the 1964-R photo. Thanks to all.
RECENT CHANGES (24 April 2019): Niven's Army continued to supply names to the 1970 photos -- about 40: The "army" included Duncan Suss, Fiona Smith, Steve Shepherd, Elaine Wood, Beverley Grebbin, Audrey Astbury, Mike Wilkinson, Adele Gonet, Sue Garnett, and Wendy Ellis. Put these zealous folks in charge of Brexit !
RECENT CHANGES (25 April 2019): A few bits of polish added were added, correcting a few slight errors in yesterday's names.
RECENT CHANGES (29 April 2019): Many people are trying to add names to the photos. That's done through the numbers on the photographs, but that's sometimes tricky for we "old folks". I have made a little "mini guide" that will train you -- scroll down to mustard-coloured box below, and click on the link to the "mini guide" You'll be an expert in 5 minutes !
RECENT CHANGES (30 April 2019): The Howlett brothers, Niven and Warren, have divined a nice class photo from 1973. What a modern-looking group!
RECENT CHANGES (6 May 2019): Niven Howlett has coordinated the collection of more names on the 1970 photos, especially from Christine Grieves. Good work, and thanks.
RECENT CHANGES (29 May 2019): Jeff Wilson has added about 40 new names to the 1958 and 1961 roll photos. Each of the four sections on each of these photos has seen new additions. Your careful and thorough work is always admired, Jeff !
RECENT CHANGES (11 June 2019): Kev Quinn has sent a photo of the (cloth) blazer badge. It's in the "Other Materials" section.
RECENT CHANGES (17 June 2019): This past weekend a 50th reunion was held in Monton. An amazing job by those organizers who put it all together. I have added a "Reunion" section with some videos (thanks to Norman Jackson) there,
RECENT CHANGES (18 June 2019): A link to the EGS Facebook page has been added.
RECENT CHANGES (4 July 2019): John Barlow, who remembers the School in the 1950's, purchased 3 pre-1950 class photos on EBay and has kindly provided them for display on our site, Thanks, as always, John. The musical score of the School Hymn, originally provided to me by Roger Caldwell, has also been added.
RECENT CHANGES (6 July 2019): A rare find! A group picture of the teachers in October 1954. (See photos in "After 1950" section.) I recognize everyone but two. Can another oldie help ?
RECENT CHANGES (9 July 2019): A very brief History of the School has been added, telling our story in broad outline. Living over 5000 miles away, and not being a historian anyway, few materials have been consulted. Anyone out there interested in doing research at the Salford Local History Library ? A great deal of information must be locked away in there, expecially in the microfilmed copies of the Eccles and Patricroft Journal.
RECENT CHANGES (15 July 2019): Joy (Kubler) Wright, back living in Monton, has added eight new names on the 1964 roll photos (including herself at 210). Thanks, Joy.
RECENT CHANGES (21 July 2019): Miracle of miracles. Chris Cutch located his copy of the 1965 (Dec) Essayan. Angela Shepherd again did a great job of scanning it. A thousand thanks to both. Now if only we can locate the 1964 and 1966 copies before I expire. C'mon people !!
RECENT CHANGES (23 July 2019): John Barlow kindly supplied a couple more class photos from 1923 and 1931 (in the "Pre-1950" section). John is old, but not a pupil in those years, I don't think! He recently published a fine book on the history of pubs in Turton (where he lives ... Turton, not the pubs). Check it out.
RECENT CHANGES (8 August 2019): Joy (Kubler) Wright collaborated with Rodney Elms, and between them they contibuted a whole stack of new names on all sections of the 1958 and 1961 roll photos. Great work !
RECENT CHANGES (9 September 2019): Martin Baggoley located a new photo of Class 2L from the late 1920's. All centenarians on that photo should contact me immediately ! Thanks Martin. I have also added an obituary for Mr McEwan (who died in 2009). He succeeded Mr Fairweather in 1964 and transferred to the Eccles College in 1971, I believe, so many of you later pupils will remember him well.
RECENT CHANGES (16 September 2019): Audrey Barlow provided a wonderful photo of the Hockey team in 1944, in which she was a member. (See "Pre-1950's Photos" section.) Audrey was at the School 1942-46. Many thanks Audrey.
RECENT CHANGES (16 September 2019): Christine Fairclough, a great contributor to this site, identified two of her relatives on photos from the 1930's -- a cousin, Ken Davies, in class photos from '31, '32, '33, and '34 (see the Pre-1950 photos) ; and her aunt, Eva Davies, in School concert photos from 1930. (See "School Performances/Plays".) Much appreciated, Christine.
RECENT CHANGES (19 October 2019): Dave Douglas (609) identified some classmates from the 1950's on the 1958 photo. Dave seems one of the few who have stayed in Eccles "for ever". Thanks Dave.
RECENT CHANGES (21 October 2019): Christine Hayden identified herself and her friend on the 1964 photo.
RECENT CHANGES (29 October 2019): Chris Cutch rumbled in his attic and and found a program for a 1971 "Summer Spectacular" event at the School playing field, pulled out his trusty old camera, and photographed it all (minus advertisements). See "Other Materials" section. Great job, Chris.
RECENT CHANGES (19 October 2019): Dave Douglas rattled the old memory box one more time to add a dozen names to the 1958 and 1961 photos . Good work, Dave.
RECENT CHANGES (28 November 2019): It's always a particular pleasure when an old classmate appears out of the mists of time. So it has been when Joyce (Sheppard) Draycott has contacted me with a few names on the 1955 and 1958 photos. Many thanks, Joyce.
RECENT CHANGES (21 December 2019): Thanks to Stephen Smith who made additions and corrections to the 1970 Left photo.
RECENT CHANGES (24 & 27 December 2019): Christmas presents from Stephen Smith who added more names to 1970 photos.
RECENT CHANGES (12 January 2020): Great News. The 1958 Speech Day program was located -- by Joyce (Sheppard) Draycott. Her parents had retained it forever. Many thanks for digging this out, Joyce, and making it available. It's now listed with the rest. Thanks again, too, to my cousin, Angela Shepherd, who did a perfect job of scanning it
RECENT CHANGES (12 January 2020): Great News. The 1958 Speech Day program was located -- by Joyce (Sheppard) Draycott. Her parents had retained it forever. Many thanks for digging this out, Joyce, and making it available. Thanks again, too, to my cousin, Angela Shepherd, who did a perfect job of scanning it
RECENT CHANGES (15 January 2020): Christine (Sunsburg) Fairclough has been a wonderful help for a couple of years in locating and scanning many of the old photos from the 1920's and 1930's. (Two of her aunts were at the school in those times.) Several more have now been added. Many thanks for your always-ready help and advice, Chris.
RECENT CHANGES (15 January 2020): Mrs. Dorothy Cannon was a Latin teacher in my era, but she had also been a pupil at the school from 1916 until graduation. Her family kindly passed along some photos from her schooldays and they have beeen added to our collection. Mrs Cannon selflessly gave me great assistance at crucial times in my academic career, and I remember her cheerful kindness with immense gratitude,
RECENT CHANGES (25 January 2020): Jeff Wilson, another great supporter of this page, located the 1959 Speech Day program and kindly made it available to us. I really DID get my "A" levels apparently ! Cousin Angela again helped us by scanning it. Great thanks to Jeff and Angela who coordinated to perfection.
RECENT CHANGES (25 January 2020): Peculiar circumstances led to me perusing the web page for the University of Manchester Mathematics Department. It was there I found Dr. Nick Higham, FRS, and further found he had been a pupil at our School, 1972-1977 (then going on to Eccles College and to a subsequent stellar academic career). See 'Stories of Former Pupils.'
RECENT CHANGES (27 January 2020): Linda (Collier) Dalzell found herself at 234 on the 1955 Right photo. Good eye, Linda !
RECENT CHANGES (11 April 2020): A mystery photo recently surfaced. It had been taken in 1969 for an Eccles and Patricroft Journal story, and was related to EGS. (The photo was retrieved by Tony Flynn, well-known in the area, and an amazing historian of many things local, including the History of the Pubs of Eccles. Many thanks, Tony.) The photo has turned out to be of the 1st XI football team, setting off for a Scottish tour. Norman Jackson and Roger Caldwell kindly got the history of the photo and tracked down all the names. See the new photo in the "Photographs ... After 1950" section.
RECENT CHANGES (22 April 2020): My fellow San Diegan Niven Howlett sent a group photo from the 2012 Reunion of people who attended school between about 1969 and 1974, Thanks Niven,
RECENT CHANGES (22 April 2020): Photos of women and men attending the 1999 Reunion have been added to the Reunion section. Can anyone tell me more about these ?
RECENT CHANGES (22 April 2020): An Old Essians Dinner was held in 2012. An excellent photo of some very old-timers has been provided by Eleanor (Chapman) Barker. (See the Reunions section.)
RECENT CHANGES (10 May 2020): A big thanks to Davina (Pitts) Woods who could fill in more than 50 names on the 1970 Roll Photo. Davina was at school 1965-72, and is 304 on that Right photo. With those memory skills it's no wonder she became a headmistress ! See the "Other Materials" section.
RECENT CHANGES (11 May 2020): Margaret (Muskett) Moxon sent a great little story about her involvement with getting the famous music star, Graham Nash, to open the School Christmas Faire in 1965. See the "Other Materials" section. Many thanks Margaret.
RECENT CHANGES (11 May 2020): Tony Flynn has again dug out interesting photos from the EGS past -- one of Mr Darbyshire in 1971, and one of the 1969 retirement of long-time School secretary, Miss Jackson. See the "Other Materials" section. Thanks again, Tony.
RECENT CHANGES (18 May 2020): Davina (Pitts) Woods is on a roll with the 1970 roll photo names -- another 30 or so names on the 1970 photo sections. Thanks again, Davina.
RECENT CHANGES (19 May 2020): A very nice surprise ! One of our earliest fellow pupils, Brian Grindley, found himself (#4, Left) and a schoolmate (#146, Left) on the 1946 Roll photo. Brian had a very long and distinguished career (38 years) with the Navy. He has many insights about the school that few others can have, and tells stories like he was there yesterday ! Great to hear from you, Brian.
RECENT CHANGES (23 May 2020): The 1961 Mid-Right Roll photo had a broken link. I have fixed it.
RECENT CHANGES (2 June 2020): Brian Grindley added a few more names to the 1946 and 1949 photos -- a remarkable accomplishment from 74 years ago !! Many thanks Brian.
RECENT CHANGES (22 June 2020): Jeremy Thomason identified his dad (#153, Left) on the 1946 roll photo. Thanks Jeremy.
RECENT CHANGES (22 June 2020): Margaret (Muskett) Moxon brought to my attention a book by her brother, Harry Muskett, with with lots of entertaining descriptions of his times at the school in the mid-sixties. See the "Stories of Former Pupils" section. Thanks to Margaret and Harry.
RECENT CHANGES (23 June 2020): Margaret (Muskett) Moxon dug into her old "Sentimentals Box" and pulled out some memorabilia -- photos from the mid-sixties, materials about the school plays from the same period, and a nice little article by Christine (Sunsburg) Fairclough describing the same times. Any more Sentimental Boxes out there waiting to yield their treasures ? Many thanks as always, Margaret
RECENT CHANGES (26 June 2020): Stephen Webb identified himself and his twin brother on the 1970 roll photo (Mid Left, 141 and 142). Howard Thornley provided a photo of the 1964 1st XI, and even remembered almost all of the names. (But it only gets worse, Howard!). Thanks to both.
RECENT CHANGES (26 June 2020): A persistent Andrew Bentley added a few names to the 1958_ML and the 1961_L photos ... the memory still churning, a year after he last added names. Those memory tablets are working, Andrew.
RECENT CHANGES (29 June 2020): Trevor Lunness O.B.E, K.G., M.B.E., Freeman of Bury ... name your Honours, and Trevor can have them. He dug out and scanned the 1964 Speech Day program that we've been looking for for years. No wonder he won prizes on that 1964 night ! Greatly indebted, Trevor
RECENT CHANGES (1 July 2020): Out of the woodwork after 50 years has come Chris Brunt, still able to recognize hiself (1970, Midleft 424) as well as a couple of other names on 1970 Rt. Welcome back, Chris.
RECENT CHANGES (9 July 2020): Another woodwork inhabitant discovered the Archive -- John Lee ('60-'67) -- and he added names to the 1961 and 1964 photos. Thanks, John.
RECENT CHANGES (14 July 2020): Christine (Sunsburg) Fairclough shares more thoughts with us about her time at the school. (See "Brief History and Stories of the School") Good work, Chris.
RECENT CHANGES (4 August 2020): David Lee, at school 65-70, sent several names on the 1970 ML, MR, and R roll photos (including himself at 47MR). It helped, probably, because his brother Chris and sister Margaret were also on the photo. Thanks, David.
RECENT CHANGES (5 August 2020): Moira (Howarth) and Chris Orr have been great contributors to this page. They have come up with a couple of gems: a Form 3A photo from 1936, and a Speech Day program from 1938. They came via Moira's dad, Jack, who was at the school in the 1930's. Great work Chris and Moira !!
RECENT CHANGES (10 August 2020): Your invitation to the 1957 School Fair has arrived (... a bit late). Thanks are to Joyce (Sheppard) Draycott who has sent this. See "Other Materials" section.
RECENT CHANGES (10 August 2020): I have set up a new section -- "Mystery Photos" (immediately below). Here the link directs you to examining some group photos where we're struggling with a lot of names. You'll see that everything has been made nice and big (almost the whole width of your screen) so you can get the best look possible. Numbers are added. "Use yer noddle" to figure of the sequence of ones not numbered !
RECENT CHANGES (17 August 2020): Harry King tells a story of how the selfless kindness of a teacher strongly gave impetus to his academic progress and later opportunities. (See History/Stories of the School)
RECENT CHANGES (12 September 2020): Joan (Spencer) Woodward identified herself on the 1970 Right photo (#204). Thanks Joan.
RECENT CHANGES (18 September 2020): Tony Elwood sent two photos of the 1st XI cricketers in 1969 and 1972. He admits to being "stumped" on some of the names of the team he captained in 1972. Any wisdom out there ? Thanks Tony.
RECENT CHANGES (27 October 2020): A windfall of names on the 1970 Roll photos ! Graham Oldfield discovered our page (even in Bury!), and sent 5 or 6 dozen new names -- quite a memory feat. Good work, Graham. He's scheduled to send some nice surprises soon, too.
RECENT CHANGES (30 October 2020): Two events from long ago led to our latest acquisition. Graham Oldfield worked for the Salford Council in the 1980's, after the school had been abandoned. Through that, he cunningly acquired a key one lunchtime, headed to the school, and took some nostalgic photos. See the Interior, Exterior, and (one) Reunion photos. Many thanks for your foresight, and for passing along your great photos, Graham.
RECENT CHANGES (13 November 2020): Paul Tompkins discovered our page, corrected his name (#150) on the 1970 photo, and added another name. Thanks Paul.
RECENT CHANGES (28 November 2020): The 60th anniversary of Coronation Street reminded Joyce (Sheppard) Draycott about how she first heard of it in an EGS classroom. See Stories of the School section. Many thanks, Joyce!
RECENT CHANGES (18 January 2021): Tony Elwood found a book chapter [See the 'Other Materials' section] about Duncan Worsley, who was a teacher at EGS in the late 1960's and played First Class cricket for both Lancashire and Oxford University. (Tony was himself a well accomplished cricketer.) The chapter is in the book "Born in Bolton" by Geoff Ogden, focusing specifically on cricket. Great find, Tony -- your reliable help is always appreciated.
RECENT CHANGES (20 January 2021): Graham Gilbert came to EGS in 1950. He even kept an Eccles Journal list of people who passed the 11+ that year. (See 'Other Materials' section.) Lots of old names to remember (and where they lived!). Good contribution, Graham, and THANKS!
RECENT CHANGES (4 February 2021); Wally Webb found himself on both the 1961 (#458) and 1964 (#68) roll photos. Good eye, Wally.
RECENT CHANGES (18 March 2021); Enjoyed hearing from Paul Robinson, one of three brothers who were active in the school about 1957-64. Two were twins, the other indistinguishable from them too. Paul became a Canon, a suitable culmination of the Robinsons being saints in their schooldays.
RECENT CHANGES (20 March 2021); Andrew Brooks (49-56), who kept in touch with many school friends over the years, supplied me with many nice stories. He added a 1st XI football photo from 55-56, and photos from a memorable school trip to France with Mr Wharfe in 1955. (See Photos After 1950). Many thanks, Andrew.
RECENT CHANGES (21 March 2021); Andrew Brooks has supplied two more old photos for us -- the 1951 Girls' Hockey team and the 1952 Boys' Cricket team. (See Photos After 1950). Names as well! Living in Cumbria must be good for the memory. Thanks again, Andrew.
RECENT CHANGES (3 April 2021); Thanks to Peter Hosie (60-65) for supplying new names, and correcting others, on all sections of the 1961 and 1965 roll photos. Another fellow with a great memory!
RECENT CHANGES (9 April 2021); A memorial service was held at St Paul's, Monton, in 2005 when the School's War Memorial tablets were transferred there from the School. The program was provided by Andrew Brooks.
RECENT CHANGES (20 Jun 2021); I had a recent e-mail from the Salford Library, enquiring about Barbara Jones, who was at School about 1949-57 (and #220 on 1955 Mid-Right photo). Some materials of her's were discovered in the Library vaults. Anyone remember anything about Barbara ?
RECENT CHANGES (13 July 2021); A few more names have been added to the 1961 Roll photo by the sharp-eyed Peter Hosie. Thanks Peter (who's the good-looking fellow at 598 on the 1961 Roll Photo, by the way).
RECENT CHANGES (31 October 2021); It was reported to me that many of the Roll Photos were not showing (when the link was clicked). Google -- where the images are stored -- had changed all the passwords on them (for new standards of security). I have now changed all images to meet Google requirements, and they should now all be properly available. If you find a problem with any of them, tell me !!
RECENT CHANGES (2 November 2021); A moment of sadness, to report the passing of Alan Dyer, at EGS 1947-51, who became a distinguished scientist and leader in national-level Lacrosse. Alan organized many reunions of old pupils, and my memorable lunch with him at the Bluebell was the start of this web page. A summary of Alan's life is added to "Stories of Former Pupils."
RECENT CHANGES (4 November 2021); Glynis Baguley (65-72) added information to the 1972 Mid-Left photo. Thanks, Glynis.
RECENT CHANGES (24 December 2021); Reminiscing around Christmas, Stephen Beardsall (60-) found himself and a couple of others on the 61R, 64MR, and 64L photos. Thanks, Stephen.
RECENT CHANGES (3 January 2022); Sharp-eyed Adam Britton found a name he remembered from 60+ years ago. # 703 on 1970 Right. Good work to start 2022.
RECENT CHANGES (9 January 2022); Tony Elwood and David Crossley put wise old heads together and came up with about 3 dozen new names on all 4 sections of 1970, and a dozen on the 1964 photos. Thanks for the impresssive thinking, fellas !
RECENT CHANGES (12 January 2022); Thanks to Jean Derbyshire (now Thompson) who found herself and several others on 1964-MR, 1970-MR and 1970-R.
RECENT CHANGES (22 January 2022); 50 years ago to the day, Tony Elwood and friends organized a charity showing of the film Woodstock at Eccles's poshest cinema. Items from the event were rooted out by Tony from somewhere in his house, and he's kindly provided them. (See Other Materials section.).
RECENT CHANGES (1 June 2022); Tony Flynn kindly passed along a photo from a newspaper archive, showing 7 pupils who helped organize the 1966 Speech Day. Margaret (Muskett) Moxon, sharp as ever, added the names for us. (See Photos after 1950)
RECENT CHANGES (7 June 2022); Helen (Perkins) Wilson appeared out of the Antipodes -- Geelong, Australia -- to correct her name on the 1961 Mid-Right roll photo. Thanks, and glad you found yourself, Helen !
RECENT CHANGES (24 August 2022); The ever reliable Tony Elwood is always a source of good ideas. He enquired whether anyone knew the wherebouts of David Clayton in Australia (who he'd played cricket with in the 1960's). In the process he noticed the soccer photos of the 60's mis-identified David as 'John'. These have been corrected. Many thanks for your always-good input, Tony.
RECENT CHANGES (24 August 2022); A few people, most recently Jean (Matthews) Jackson, brought my attention to the fact that two authors who have become pretty famous were at school in the later 60's -- Rachel Abbott (pen name for Sheila Cross, as she was at school) and Stephen Gallagher. Both have Wikipedia pages and their own websites. Thanks to Jean for prompting me on this.
RECENT CHANGES (16 November 2022); Our pages have been quiet of late (Covid has made us all weary) but a lovely surprise came from Melbourne, Australia. John Williams discovered our page and recognized himself and his pal Les Hughes on the 1949 (Yes! 1949 !) photo. Seventy three years ago !! John is 285 on the Mid Left photo. John has that photo proudly displayed on his wall and remembers it like yesterday. Many thanks to John and his son David who are keeping EGS live and well Down Under.
RECENT CHANGES (4 December 2022); Tony Elwood, Dave Crossley, and Dave Randall produced a second 1st XI football photo from the '69-'70 season, two apparently being taken. (The reason -- explained by Roger Caldwell -- is on the photo which has been added.) Four smart and diligent lads, those four. Sharp minds still at 70+, no doubt.
RECENT CHANGES (9 May 2023); Les Daniels (1964 Left #541), 62-69, conjured up a few names on the 1964 Mid-Left, Mid-Right and 1970 Left roll photos. Good work Les.
RECENT CHANGES (1 June 2023); A photo of the 1947 1st XI cricket team has been added. In it, we see Ian Isherwood (coloured dot), at the school 1941-48. He became a very distinguished professor at the University of Manchester and made many breakthroughs in radiological science. His son Chris kindly provided the photo. A biography of Ian Isherwood is in the "Stories of Former Pupils/Teachers" section.
RECENT CHANGES (26 Nov 2023); Geoff McCormick posed an interesting question to me. He found a rather striking painting made of the front entrance to the school, done by "John Britton", probably a former pupil. Can anyone shed any light on this ?
RECENT CHANGES (8 Dec 2023); The "interesting question" noted above got quickly solved, first by Geoff himself ! John was then well remembered by many, both as a mathematical whiz of yesteryear, and as a big wheel in the 2019 re-union event. Best of all, John contacted us and let us know his latest. See "EGS's Answer to Banksy -- John Britton" in the "Other Materials" section.
RECENT CHANGES (8 Dec 2023); Margaret (Muskett) Moxon reported on a Re-union, held exactly sixty years on, to commemorate the 1963 Speech Day at the site of the old Free Trade Hall. Martin Baggoley had the brilliant idea. Thirty five "old codgers" turned up, and a good time was had by all. See the "Reunion Events" section.
RECENT CHANGES (8 Dec 2023); The re-union noted above brought a nostalgic but very sad memory back to Margaret (Muskett) Moxon -- of losing a valued old school friend. See "Brief History and Stories of the School" section.
RECENT CHANGES (23 Jan 2024); Trevor Lunness shares some memories of four of our teachers without being too judgmental about the values of yesteryear. He also provided two new photos from about 1963 ('9 girls' and '7 boys'.) Many thanks Trevor. See "Brief History and Stories of the School" and "Photos After 1950" sections.
RECENT CHANGES (28 Jan 2024); Jane (Connell) Asady, at school 1970-75, noticed a few omissions/errors on the 1970 Roll photos. These corrections are: 1970-Left #7, #401, #125; 1970-MidLeft #338, #339. Many thanks Jane.
RECENT CHANGES (11 Feb 2024); Elaine (Tonge) Williams found herself on the Mid-Right 1970 Roll photo (#520), as well as her friend Lynne Tetlow. Two others on the Right photo were corrected, too. Good work, Elaine!
RECENT CHANGES (26 Feb 2024); Peter Johnson found our site and has added a third photo to the photos of the 1965 play "When We Were Married". Of course, Peter was one of the actors. Thanks for the addition, Peter.
RECENT CHANGES (14 Sep 2024); Jacqueline Gain came to the School from France for the 1946 school year to serve as French Assistant. She wrote a letter to her parents in that year, describing the school. Her son kindly sent it to me (and translated it). Read it in the "Brief History and Stories ..." section. Merci Beaucoup to Jacqueline's son, Eric Sheldon.
RECENT CHANGES (15 Oct 2024); Kay Murray kindly provided us with three photos of her uncle, Lol Kay, on Football and Cricket teams from about 1951-53. (See 'Photographs ... 1950 and later'). She also shared with us an obituary (2023) that she wrote of Lol Kay. He was a legendary figure around the School for many years after he left, brilliantly talented academically, athletically, and culturally. That obituary is added in the 'Stories of Former Pupils/Teachers' section. Many thanks, Kay, and to Andy Brooks who knew Lol and identified most of the people on the photographs.
RECENT CHANGES (18 Oct 2024): I received a wonderful surprise letter from Mr. Darbyshire's son, John, who sent several new photos and related materials. His dad, a wonderful and beloved influence on the successes of many of us, taught at the School 1935 to 1971. These photos, highlighted with pink text, are in the sections "Photos Before 1950", "Photos 1950 Onwards", and "Other Materials". Your contacting us has been greatly appreciated, John.
RECENT CHANGES (18 Oct 2024): Just about everyone looking at this site will be a former pupil of the School. Some get confused about whether they are Old Essians or Old Essayans. I have tried to set the record straight (see the "Brief History of ... the School" section).
RECENT CHANGES (11 Dec 2024): The ever-active Tony Elwood sent photos of Old Essians getting together recently for a hike and a pub lunch. See the "Re-union Events" section. Thanks yet again, Tony !
RECENT CHANGES (22 Jan 2025): Andrew Dean found himself on the 1970 MidLeft photo at #328. Glad you are still recognizable to yourself, Andrew !